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gaming for the soul™

Does competitive play and tournaments with friends sound fun? How about competitions that benefit charities? That's part of our vision. With your help, we can make uwitdaily™ go further.

uwitdaily™ is created by 12 ONE LLC d/b/a Cloud of Wit, a Bible-based enterprise seeking to advance biblical education through gaming. 12:One is not a not-for-profit enterprise for tax purposes.

This is not, and shall not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy or an offer to purchase any securities, nor should it be deemed to be an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to purchase or sell any investment product or service.

uwit daily trivia game

* Cloud of Wit donates a portion of profit to 501(c)3 entities. Contact us to learn more about the charitable organizations that we contribute to.


© 2020-2024 12 One, LLC dba Cloud of Wit. All rights reserved. Cloud of Wit is a faith-based game developer. Our games are Bible and grace-based. uwitdaily, uwitkinect™, the fish-talk logo and Gaming for the Soul are trademarks of 12:One LLC. Cloud of Wit is a trade name of 12:One, LLC. Privacy Policy.

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